Motor Vehicle Collisions

Patients frequently come to the ER for evaluation after car accidents, or motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) as we refer to them in the medical field. While most MVCs do not lead to serious bodily injury, they often lead to a significant amount of emotional distress for understandable reasons

Motor Vehicle Collisions (MVC)

Many survivors of motor vehicle collisions experience an excessive anxiety as drivers or passengers. Their anxiety in cars may last even several months or years and may reach the level of amaxophobia (vehicle phobia), which impairs their quality of life. In some cases, they may develop PTSD, agoraphobia or chronic pain. According to Transport Statistics from the Government of Canada, in 2020, 72,917 people suffered injuries or impairments from these accidents, with 7,868 suffering serious injuries. In Canada, the annual cost of traffic accidents, including direct and indirect costs, is estimated to be $25 billion.

Symptoms Of Amaxophobia.

If you are suffering from amaxophobia, you might experience symptoms when driving, riding as a passenger or taking public transportation. These symptoms could include things like:

  • Nausea
  • Chest pain and Sweating
  • Muscle tension
  • Increased heart rate or Shallow breathing
  • Fear of driving, increased irritability


Common Causes Of Amaxophobia

Though being involved in a bad crash, especially one where someone was seriously injured or killed, is the most common cause of amaxophobia, it can be the result of many things. Some of the other causes include:

  • Motor vehicle collisions.
  • Train wreck, boat accident or plane crash.
  • Pedestrian-car injuries.
  • Witnessing a serious fatality.
  • Being around aggressive drivers.
  • Traveling in dangerous conditions, like intense wind, snow or rain.
  • Growing up around adults that were constantly anxious in vehicles

Common Causes Of Vehophobia

Though being involved in a bad crash, especially one where someone was seriously injured or killed, is the most common cause of amoxophobia, it can be the result of many things. Some of the other causes include:

  • Witnessing an accident
  • Watching or reading about a bad accident in a movie, on TV or in the news
  • Being around aggressive drivers
  • Having a driving instructor that was overly strict
  • Traveling in dangerous conditions, like intense wind, snow or rain
  • Growing up around adults that were constantly anxious in vehicles
  • Driving in congested traffic

Amoxophobia can be triggered from any of the above factors, but sufferers may become anxious even when they’re driving in calm and safe conditions. 


Are you working with a lawyer? Do you have an insurance adjudicator? With your consent, Jorge can coordinate with your lawyer or insurance company to help you when you need it the most. Jorge has extensive experience completing Mental Health Assessments and Treatment Recommendations Reports. Regardless of who was at fault, you may be entitled to receive appropriate psychological treatment. Book now!